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Israel is to take over large swaths of agricultural land in the Jordan Valley

10-9-2013According to the Jerusalem News Network, the Israeli military has decided to allocate 5 thousand acres of land belonging to Palestinians, which is located to the east of the apartheid Wall in the Jordan Valley, to agricultural settlements. This is part of an overall attempt to solidify the Israeli regime from the Mediterranean to the […]

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Palestinians congratulate new foreign minister of Brazil, ask for suspension of Brazil-Israel funding

The Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC) has met with the Brazilian consul in Ramallah Paulo França to call on Brazil to abandon a $35m development collaboration project with Israel. The delegation urged Brazil to at least ensure that money from the project will not be diverted to Israeli companies that are implicated […]

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The Wild West is back in Palestine

Any joint activity in which all involved are aware that the stated goals won’t be achieved is a planned failure. Unless, that is, the true goals are different to those being openly stated. In this sense, the “renewed Palestinian-Israeli peace process” seems already a success for Israel’s illegal settlement enterprise and US imperialism.   The […]

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Three Palestinians killed in Qalandia refugee camp north of Jerusalem

26/08/2013 Monday morning, three Palestinians killed in Qalandia refugee camp north of Jerusalem, and dozens were injured ranged from minor to serious, after Israeli special forces breaking in to the camp at dawn today, firing live bullets and tear gas and rubber-coated metal bullets.   32-year-old Robin Fares, Younis Jahjoh 22-year-old and Jihad Aslan, had been killed following the clashes that erupted between Israeli soldiers and residents in […]

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“We derive our energy to persist from you,” Hassan Karajah writes from Israeli prison

Eight months ago, during a night raid in January 2013, 29-year-old Hassan Karajah was arrested by Israeli occupation forces. Karajah, a youth coordinator for the Stop the Wallcampaign, has been accused of actively supporting Palestinian prisoners and participating in a student group affiliated with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. Human rights advocates insist his arrest and […]

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Dozens protest at PLO headquarters against disgraceful meeting with Israeli politicians

On Monday, 15/7/2013, dozens of Palestinians demonstrated in front of the Palestine Liberation Organization in Ramallah. The demonstration was a rejection of the normalization of dealing with Israelis and to demand the expulsion of the Secretary of the Executive Committee of the Organization, Yasser Abed Rabbo.   Various movements, youth groups, trade unions and activists […]

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Rejection of the Prawer Plan – angry demonstrations across occupied Palestine

On Monday, 15/7/2013, a wave of demonstrations swept across occupied Palestine in anger and condemnation of the Prawer Plan. The Prawer Plan, named after Ehud Prawer the former deputy chair of national security, aims to confiscate about 800,000 dunums of land in the Negev, displacing about 50,000 Palestinians and demolishing 35 Palestinian villages. A general […]

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The Popular Resistance Campaign launches events for the anniversary of the advisory opinion of the Hague

  The Popular Resistance Campaign launched a series of events against the wall and settlements from the village of Betien, east of Ramallah. More than 150 people participated in the demonstration to reclaim land confiscated by the "Bethel" settlement   The Israeli occupation forces suppressed the demonstration by firing rubber bullets and large amounts of […]