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Press Statement : South African Officials Must Reject Israeli Blood Diamonds

  South African Officials Must Reject Israeli Blood Diamonds and Secure Jobs in Diamond Beneficiation    South African civil society and organised labour call on South African officials to show leadership by demanding change to the shamefully discredited “Kimberley Process Certification Scheme” which facilitates trade in diamonds that fund gross human rights violations by rogue […]

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Daily Life in Yanun

Yanun is located south of Nablus. The Occupation has confiscated 80% of its 16,450 dunums. The people of Yanun are able to access 10% of their agricultural land through coordination and permits from the Occupation. The land is located near settlements, and accessing it is of the utmost difficulty on account of the Israeli procedures […]

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Haaretz: “Israeli settlements in the West Bank legally expanded by nearly 8,000 dunams (1,977 acres)”

Haaretz: “Israeli settlements in the West Bank legally expanded by nearly 8,000 dunams (1,977 acres) in 2012 – land equalling [an area]… twice as big as Manhattan’s Central Park.” See original article here. According to the newspaper “Haaretz”, the so-called “command center” in the Israeli occupation army has worked to increase the areas covered by […]