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Stop Israeli illegal settlement highway in Jerusalem

  Urgent Appeal for Action             6 April 2013   Stop Israeli construction of a new illegal settlement highway in occupied Palestinian territory Halt Israeli destruction and forcible displacement of the Palestinian community of Beit Safafa in occupied East Jerusalem   A public appeal by the Civic Coalition for Palestinian Rights in Jerusalem submitted to […]

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Further suppression of demonstrations by the occupation

The Occupation suppresses the weekly demonstrations against the wall and settlements and demonstrations condemning the martyrdom of captive Maisara Abu Hamdiyeh Events on Friday 5th April Hebron: Occupation Forces used tear gas and water cannons to suppress the weekly demonstration demanding freedom of movement in Hebron and the re-opening of the street connecting the city […]

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Funeral of Abu Hamdiyeh attended by thousands while clashes throughout the Occupied West Bank continue

  The funeral of prisoner Maisara Abu Hamdiyeh in Hebron today was attended by thousands of mourners who lined the streets as the funeral procession set off from al-Ahli hospital towards al-Shuhada cemetery where the body will be buried. Abu Hamdiyeh died of throat cancer on Tuesday, shackled to his bed in Israeli custody, after […]

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Obama makes fun of heckler asking “who killed Rachel Corrie?”

Linah Alsaafin, from Electronic Intifada – US President Barack Obama arrived in Ramallah by helicopter yesterday and gave yet another insipid speech. The Palestinian Authority’s security forces, collaborating with US forces, designated a huge security perimeter with the PA compound — the Muqataa — in the middle. Some of the city’s busiest streets were closed off […]

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STW holds protest against Shafi Shomron waste dump in Sabastiya

Last Friday, March 8th, Stop the Wall organized a demonstration in cooperation with the local organizations in Sabastiya and in Salfit district to protest against the Shafi Shomron settlement. Shafi Shomron has been making life impossible to the villagers in innumerous aspects. The protesters were repressed by the occupation forces, who shot tear gas and sounds bombs at […]

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Mohammad Assfour, martyred at the hands of the IOF

On February 22nd, during a protest in support of the hunger strikers in Aboud, 22-year-old student Mohammad Assfour was shot by the Israeli military, becoming the another martyr in the recent prisoners Intifada. The protest gathered 70 Palestinians showing their support and solidarity for the political prisoners who have been in a hunger strike. Since […]

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A Call to Reject Obama’s Visit and to Demonstrate Against Any Return to Negotiations

Palestinian youth groups of “Palestinians For Dignity” call to reject US President Obama’s visit to the occupied Palestinian territory expected between 20-22 March, and to demonstrate against the possible return to negotiations. President Obama’s visit to the occupied Palestinian territory comes at a time when our prisoners are waging a hunger strike battle in the […]