You Can’t Have Social Justice in an Apartheid State
Video from the weekly protest in the village of Nabi Salih on 13 August, 2011. The protesters send a message to Israel pointing out that social justice is impossible with Occupation and apartheid.
Photos: Qalandiya Nakba Protest May 15
See a photo story on the protests at Qalandiya checkpoint and the brutal repression against the people defending their rights and very neighbourhood against Israeli disposession, agression and oppression on our Flickr account: https://www.flickr.com/photos/stopthewall/sets/72157626726236998/show/
Two video reports: Beit Jala and al Walaja rise up against the Apartheid Wall
The Occupation's policy to transform Bethlehem into a ghetto where normal life is impossible makes popular resistance the only way forward. Protests against the Wall and the settlements are ongoing in al Ma'sara, al-Walaja, Jub ath-Thib, Beit Jala, Beit Sahour and Wadi Rahal. Below a two videos chronicling the the popular resistance in Beit Jala […]
Occupation forces retreat from tear gas during Friday protest
During the Friday demonstration against the Wall in Ni’lin, soldiers pursued protestors toward the direction of the village, firing tear gas and sound bombs as well as rubber and live bullets. This short clip captures a group of soldiers shooting tear gas at protestors (unseen in the video). Youth from Ni’lin responded in kind, lobbing […]
Ni’lin: Weekly protest against the Wall
In Ni'lin, where 300 Palestinians and international supporters gathered to march in protest against the Apartheid Wall, snipers were deployed in an under-construction building and armed soldiers in the fields and streets. Occupation forces fired excessive rounds of tear gas and young men and boys responded by throwing stones. More tear gas and live ammunition […]
Popular protests against the annihilation of Gaza all over Palestine
Mass demonstrations, vigils and protests in solidarity with Gaza have erupted all over Palestine. The call for an immediate end to the brutal massacre of Gaza, for national unity and the liberation of Palestine, have dominated the mobilization everywhere. Below are a few videos of the protests: Jayyous: the mobilization against the Apartheid Wall has […]
Apartheid in Palestine
An extensive PowerPoint presentation to download and use in your awareness raising events. It illustrates the racist separation and expulsion perpetrated by the Occupation all over Palestine and highlights how the Occupation's policies in the West Bank and Gaza are mirrored inside the Green Line. (For EXE format, press here.) (For SWF format, press here.)
Apartheid in Palestine
An extensive PowerPoint presentation to download and use in your awareness raising events. It illustrates the racist separation and expulsion perpetrated by the Occupation all over Palestine and highlights how the Occupation's policies in the West Bank and Gaza are mirrored inside the Green Line. (For EXE format, press here.) (For SWF format, press here.)