Posted inFrom Palestine

Invitation Oct 24-26: ‘United in Struggle’ Popular Resistance Conference

The popular committees and the popular resistance networks invite all those that are fighting oppression, discrimination, racism and colonisation across the globe to join us in the ‘United in Struggle’ from 24-26 October in Palestine to build a united front against racism, repression, colonialism, exclusion and exploitation. Let’s join hands in a common struggle for justice […]

Posted inFrom PalestineFrom Palestine

JOIN THE ACTION: November 9 – Global Day of InterAction for a #WorldwithoutWalls

Be part of a World without Walls: Build ties among movements struggling against physical walls – in Palestine and around the globe – or virtual walls of injustice – including racism, xenophobia, islamophobia, hetero-patriarchy, militarization, climate injustice and more – in your area, your country and invite for a moment of reflection or joint struggle. […]

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Popular struggle starts effort to stop settler outpost in Kufr Malek

Last Friday, in Kufr Malek a mass demonstration has protested the establishment of a new settlement outpost on the village lands. The mobilization comes after last year four settler outposts were stopped by popular resistance. One settlement at a time, we are challenging Israel's settlement project and apartheid regime. A large coalition of popular committees, political […]

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Jerusalem today: Palestinians resist the assault on al Aqsa

Today, Eid al Adhar, the most important holiday in the Muslim calendar, Israel attempted a take over of the Al Aqsa mosque in its ongoing policy to Judaize Jerusalem. Yet, tens of thousands of Palestinians gathered for prayers at the Mosque defended their holy places, rights and dignity. Almost one hundred thousand Palestinians had gathered […]

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BDS in Palestine: protest against Israeli goods

The Palestinian BDS movement staged a peaceful demonstration at the Ofar trading checkpoint in Ramallah, West Bank, Palestine was conducted on August 5th, 2019. The purpose was to boycott the cheap Israeli goods being flooded into the Palestinian economy while Israel imposes high tariffs on Palestinian goods, if they allow the goods to cross the […]

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Stop the Wall statement on Wadi Hummus demolitions

Wadi Hummus, the neighbourhood in Sur Baher, between Jerusalem and Behlehem, today is full of rubble. Israeli military invaded the area on Monday and destroyed with bulldozers and explosives in only few hours the homes of almost a thousand of Palestinians. Israel hopes that the Palestinians living there will move on, disappear among the over […]