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94 authors, film-makers, musicians and performers call for a cultural boycott of Israel

The Guardian has published yesterday an open letter signed by 94 authors, film-makers, musicians and performers from all over the world endorsing cultural boycott as their means to protest the Occupation and Israeli apartheid. John Berger, British novelist, painter, and art historian, started the initiative and his appeal has been take up by some of […]

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Two people from Bil’in injured in protest against the Apartheid Wall

This Friday, as every Friday, people from the village of Bil’in marched against the Apartheid Wall after prayers. ***image2***Around 200 protesters took part in the demonstration, marching to their land isolated by the Wall carrying the Palestinian flag, placards and banners for national unity. As the villagers approached the Wall, Occupation forces attacked them, preventing […]

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Land confiscation to fortify apartheid road in Ramallah district

The latest confiscation orders to seal off a Jewish-only settler road will isolate thousands of dunums of Palestinian-owned land and ensure the local villages are isolated from each other to make space for another settlement finger on Palestinian land. ***image4***The Occupation forces gave confiscation orders to two villages, Mazra’a el Kibliyyeh and Abu Shukheidim. The […]

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Norway’s IT Workers Union Calls for Boycott

The Norwegian Electrician and IT workers’ union has adopted a resolution calling for a comprehensive boycott of Apartheid Israel. The resolution, which was passed on November 13th, calls for boycott and sanctions on Israel until the country complies with all UN resolutions relating Palestinian rights, and demands that the Norwegian government call off its economic […]

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Anata: a Palestinian community squeezed among the Wall

In Anata, north-east of Jerusalem, the Occupation Forces distributed further confiscation orders. These additional orders will confiscate 167 dunums and 700 square meters from the land of Anata for the construction of a new phase of the Wall surrounding the town. This new phase is an integral part in the implementation of the “Greater Jerusalem” […]

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Waves of demolition: expulsion of the people

At the end of November, the Occupation carried out a big wave of demolitions targeting 16 buildings throughout the West Bank. Some were homes, some agricultural and commercial sheds, and three buildings belonged to the Palestinian General Petroleum Consortium. The demolitions –-all perpetrated under the pretext of lacking construction permits from the Occupation– have affected […]