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Women in Palestine, as anywhere across the globe, are subjected to and daily resisting an intricate, mutually reinforcing web of state, social, economic and domestic violence and oppression, continuously violating their rights. The burden of Israeli occupation weighs therefore on many more layers on the daily lives of Palestinian woman than their male counterparts. The […]

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Palestinian people support mass prisoners hunger strike

Monday 17th April marked Palestinian prisoners day. As Palestinians remember their friends and relatives who have been detained at the hands of the Israeli state, over one thousand Palestinian prisoners began a mass hunger strike – the largest in recent years. The hunger strike was called by prominent political prisoner Marwan Barghouti and is supported […]

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Israel just declared its apartheid regime in the West Bank

The ‘settlement law’ adopted by the Israeli parliament this week legalises apartheid rule over Palestinians. By itself, the law passed on Monday will not substantially change the day-to-day reality of the Palestinian struggle. It’s a piece of legislation that simply adapts legal strategies used since 1948 to dispossess Palestinians of their land. What the law […]

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Workers struggles in Tulkarem settlement factories

2016 has seen two important – and victorious – labour struggles in the settlement factories in Tulkarem. This article tells their story and gives the background of systematic exploitation and oppression of the workers by the Israeli apartheid system and its industries. We are tell below about the ongoing struggle of the Palestinian workers, especially […]

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Tricontinental solidarity and Palestine today

Fidel Castro’s passing has been for many a moment of reflection on Cuba’s past and present. In this article published by the Afro-Middle East Centre, we revisit  the Cuban revolution’s contributions to peoples’ struggles across the globe and to the Palestinian people in particular. As many movements around the world are grappling to understand, redefine […]

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2016 round-up: Pressure rises against EU funding for Israel’s military and security complex

2016 has been another year of mobilising and lobbying against EU complicity with Israeli violations of international law and human rights, in particular through its Research and Development funding cycle Horizon2020. The European Commission feels the heat of pressure to stop European funding to Israel under HORIZON2020, yet more action is needed, especially in view […]