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Cabinet office occupied to end to arms trade with Israel

More than 30 pro-Palestine campaigners occupied the Cabinet Office this afternoon demanding an end to the UK’s flourishing arms trade and military cooperation with Israel.   Campaigners from the London Palestine Action group occupied the building for more than 45 minutes. 3 people locked themselves to railings in the building while others chanted slogans calling […]

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In the tenth anniversary of ICJ’s decision about the wall in Palestine Announcement of the launch of the national and international campaign

  10 7 2014, The national-international campaign for the implementation of ICJ's decision , was launched yesterday, in a press conference held in Ramallah, in the tenth anniversary of the ICJ’s decision on the illegality of the wall.   Stop the Wall noted that the aim of this campaign is to create a national and internationalpromotion of international solidarity; and to emphasize confrontation in the international […]

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152 martyrs, including 34 children and 20 women on the fifth day of the war on Gaza

  12 7 2014 Saturday – The besieged Gaza Strip have witnessed further crimes of the Israeli occupation on the fifth day of attacks, which targeted citizens' houses committing one massacre after another killing entire families; their latest crime was the massacre committed against "Al Batsh" family, which led to the death of 18 people, […]

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Israel Bombards Gaza Strip

8 7 2014, today at dawn, Israeli occupation forces began a military operation "Protective Edge" against the besieged Gaza Strip, and until now this operation resulted in the death of Rashad Yassin, 27-year-old, and dozens of injuries among citizens after targeting houses in different places in Gaza. Palestinian resistance in return fired rockets towards the […]

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10 Years after the Court ruling against the Wall: Legal experts call for international action

On 10th Anniversary of Historic ruling against Israel’s Wall, Israel bombs Gaza: at the UN, 86 top legal experts urge UN and third-state action, protests continue in Palestine, worldwide events to stop Israeli impunity. See the letter in: English – Spanish – Portuguese. Leading international jurists and legal networks from all continents, among them UN […]

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Israel arrests 300 Palestinians including 30 children inside the Green Line

7 7 2014, Israeli forces arrested more than 50 Palestinians during the demonstrations that started in the towns inside the Green Line. These demonstrations came as a rejection of occupation's crimes against Palestinian people, and the most recent crime which is burning the child Mohammed Abu Khudair,16-year-old, alive in occupied Jerusalem. Clashes erupted in Nazareth, […]