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Latin America roundup: BDS campaigns target complicity with Israeli apartheid

In November, numerous BDS initiatives were launched as solidarity activism built up towards the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people (November 29).     Brazil The Coordination of Social Movements together with the Network for the Integration of the People (REBRIP) and the Front in Defense of the Palestinian people, which represent some […]

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Settlers burn and uproot 1905 olive trees during the harvest season

The campaign “You are not alone" launched by Palestinian grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign (Stop the Wall) and the Palestinian Farmers Union was carried out for the ninth consecutive year.   The initiative supports farmers, whose lands are threatened and who are facing particularly dangerous situations during the olive harvest. Once again, many volunteers in each […]

Posted inFrom Palestine

Addameer: The Israeli Occupation is solely responsible for the death of Palestinian political prisoner

Occupied Ramallah, 5 November 2013 – Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association holds the Israeli occupation fully responsible for the death of Hasan Turabi (22 years old), who suffered from leukemia and died this morning in Afoula Hospital in the occupied Palestinian territories (oPt). The death of Turabi is the direct result of the Israeli […]

Posted inFrom PalestineFrom Palestine

Occupation Forces carry out Demolishs in Jerusalem and nablus

"Oct 29 2013, Occupation forces demolish houses and water tanks in "Khirbet Twaiel southern  of Nablus, the occupation buldozers demolish two living rooms, and cheeps barracks belong to Ata Reihan, who live there, they also demolish a water well belong to Yousef Nasralah        In Beit Hanina, north of Jerusalem, the Israeli occupation forces this […]

Posted inIn Solidarity

Palestinian NGO statement on the World Bank-sponsored Red-Dead Sea Canal

  The undersigned Palestinian NGOs call on the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) to halt all forms of cooperation with the World Bank-sponsored Red Sea – Dead Sea Conveyance Project (RSDSCP) and to take an unequivocal public stance of rejection to the project. It has become clear beyond doubt that the project […]

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Draft legislation in Argentina to defend Palestinian human rights

Once again Argentina has voiced its allegiance to Palestine. Argentinian Congresswoman, Dr. Maria Elena Chieno, who heads the group of Argentinean MPs on Palestine and participated as one of the testimonies in the Ethical Tribunal on Palestine arranged in Argentina submitted a new draft legislation last September. The bill, which reflects Argentinas official stand towards […]