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Occupation forces dig up Khan al-Laban for the second time in a week

Israeli forces accompanied by officers from the Civil Administration surrounded Khan al-Laban on the 20th May and began digging under the pretext of “archeological excavations”. Khalid Daraghmeh, also known as Abu-Jamal, said that this is the second time within a week that the occupation forces have stormed Khan and started drilling operations. Khan al-Laban is […]

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Demolitions, settler attacks and land confiscation

Over the past couple of weeks, Palestinians living in the West Bank have witnessed a series of demolitions settler attacks, and land confiscations. On May 29th, settlers uprooted 300 mature olive trees in the village of Awarta, south of Nablus. In another incident, settlers from Gelad set fire to land belonging to the village of […]

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Haaretz: “Israeli settlements in the West Bank legally expanded by nearly 8,000 dunams (1,977 acres)”

Haaretz: “Israeli settlements in the West Bank legally expanded by nearly 8,000 dunams (1,977 acres) in 2012 – land equalling [an area]… twice as big as Manhattan’s Central Park.” See original article here. According to the newspaper “Haaretz”, the so-called “command center” in the Israeli occupation army has worked to increase the areas covered by […]

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Demolition Without Warning in the Occupied Territories

On Wednesday morning (24/4/13) Israeli occupation forces, accompanied by bulldozers and the so-called Civil Administration, demolished 3 houses under construction in the Ganieh region, northwest of al-Arrub refugee camp, north of Hebron. When Hazem Abdel Fattah Al Jabri returned to his home the occupation forces had demolished a room 35m square  and a concrete wall […]

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The Occupied Territories commemorate the 39th Palestinian Prisoners’ Day

  On the 17th April Palestinians gathered in the occupied territories to commemorate the 39th Palestinian Prisoners’ Day. This day was first commemorated by the Palestinian National Council, under the authority of the PLO, in 1974. On this date the Palestinian prisoner, Mahmoud Bakr Hijazi, was released in the first exchange between Palestinians and the […]

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Palestine activists call on Netherlands prince to disassociate from JNF water project

Palestinian boycott activists are calling on the Netherlands’ Prince Willem to reconsider his decision to lend his name to a water project undertaken by the Jewish National Fund Netherlands in the Naqab/Negev desert in the south of present-day Israel. The project is in honor of the prince’s inauguration as king later this month. Omar Barghouti, […]

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Violent settler attack in Silwad

On Thursday (11/4/13) Israeli settlers attacked a 60 year old man as he worked on his land near Ramallah. The settlers beat Ahmad al-Zir, who used to be a Palestinian judge, round the head with an iron rod until he lost consciousness and was taken to Ramallah Government Hospital. This assault sparked clashes between Palestinians […]