Here is what's new for the WSF Palestine. Please share with your networks and see you in November 2012! Key Facts to join the WSF Free Palestine From November 28 to December 1 2012 the World Social Forum “Free Palestine” will be held in Porto Alegre (Brazil). This is a historic event that brings together […]
Two were injured and dozens suffocated during the weekly protests in the west bank
Dozens of Palestinians, International activists participated in the weekly demonstrations in Al Masara, Nabi Saleh, Kufur qaddom and Bil'in. They demand an end to the occupation, settlement expansion, land confiscation and the destruction of the apartheid wall. Two demonstrators were injured and dozens suffered from suffocation, due to the actions of the Israeli […]
Stop the Wall condemns Israel’s move to deport foreigners in the West Bank
The Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) decision on 6th July 2012 to permit the Israeli Immigration Service to hunt down and arrest (non-Jewish) foreigners in the West Bank is a clear sign that Israel wants to further physically isolate Palestinians from the rest of the world. The decision by the IOF Central Command Maj. Gen. Nitzan […]
Settlers uprooted dozens of trees in Beit Ummar Village
For the second time in 24 hours settlers from «Bat Ayin» has uprooted dozens of trees, grape, almond and olive trees in the farmland owned by Hammad Al Salaeibi (Abu Samar). This happened in the area of Wadi Alreesh in Beit Ummar Village. When Abu Samer went to his land he was shocked to […]
Voluntary work in solidarity with the farmers in Qana Valley and the old city of hebron
The Stop the wall campaign in cooperation with the Farkha International yearly camp organized a march in solidarity with farmers who are on their land in the valley Qana. Qana is located close to Deir Istiya in Salfit district and is one of the spots of the West Bank that was first ethnically cleansed from […]
The occupation forces uprooted 30 olive trees in Qusra Village
17-7-2012 This morning, the occupation forces uprooted and confiscated 30 olive trees from the land of Mohammad and Saqer Shihadeh in the village Qusra. Fath Allah Mahmoud got a notice to stop working on his land which is close to the «Majdolim» settlement. Qusra is located in the south of Nablus distirct. The settelment «Majdolim» […]
Palestinian youth assert right to protest over repression
Tuesday, July 3rd, saw in the streets of Ramallah the third demonstration in a row that had been called by the youth. While Saturday's demonstration was aimed to protest the invitation to Ramallah extended by the PNA to Shaul Mofaz, Israeli vice-prime minister and war criminal, Sunday's protest was a reaction to the violent repression […]
PA repression stokes the fires of Palestinian discontent
The violent repression of demonstrations in Ramallah on Saturday 30th June and Sunday 1st July by Palestinian Authority police demonstrates the increasing unpopularity of the PA's commitment to negotiations and normalisation with the Israeli occupation. After 20 years of failed negotiations, it is impossible to explain the rationale of talks while Israel accelerates the ethnic […]
Palestinian Authority police brutality against anti-Mofaz protests
For two consecutive days, EU and US-trained Palestinian Authority (PA) police and un-uniformed thugs attack Palestinians protesting against the invitation of Israeli war criminal Shaul Mofaz to Ramallah. Saturday 30th June started as a protest against the invitation of Palestinian Authority (PA) president Mahmoud Abbas extended to former Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Chief-of-Staff and former […]
Play satirizes how aid donors sideline Palestinians (Courtesy of The Electronic Intifada)
A political talk show sets the stage for House of Yasmine (“Beit Yasmine” in Arabic), a play produced in collaboration between the Ashtar Theatre of Ramallah and the Al-Harah Theatre of Jerusalem. The story unfolds as the play’s characters, led by human rights worker Yasmine, discuss the Palestinian Authority’s 2011 bid for statehood at the United Nations and then turn to audience members to ask for […]