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Friday Protests: “We are all Musatafa Tamimi“

“Despite killings, arrests and repression, we will continue” In the series of repression practiced by the occupation forces on the popular weekly demonstrations against the apartheid wall and settlements, occupation forces arrested and wounded dozens during the weekly demonstrations in the West Bank. In Bilin, the occupation forces faced the protesters with sound and tear […]

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Beit Surik and Stop the Wall thank Rho city council for condeming Pizzarotti for Complicity with Israeli Apartheid

For background on the issue, this is from a recent Press release from the Italian Coalition Stop That Train: On 30 November, the City Council of Rho, in the province of Milan, approved a resolution expressing “moral and political condemnation of Pizzarotti & C. S.p.A. for its participation in the project for the construction of […]

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On International Solidarity Day with Palestine, Israeli Repression Continues

Coinciding with the international day of solidarity with the Palestinian people, the weekly protests against the apartheid wall and settlements was suppressed by the occupation forces, who shot protesters with live bullets and metal bullets covered with rubber. The loud shooting, sound bombs, and tear gas bombs caused injuries to protesters and dozens of suffocation […]

Posted inIn Solidarity

Ecuador participates in the International Week against the Apartheid Wall

  (Quito, Ecuador) Many in Ecuador have also been moved to show solidarity with the Palestinians and their struggle, especially during this occasion of the international week against the wall. In Quito, Ecuador´s capital, we organized several activities in solidarity such as a Cinema Forum in which we screened: films about Palestine, about refugees, the wall, […]