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Local & Global Actions: Week Against the Apartheid Wall 9-16 November 2010

Week Against the Apartheid Wall 9-16 November 2010: Local Activities: Palestinian activists and human rights defenders from across the West Bank will come together in mass protests to show their steadfastness in saying NO! to Walls, Bantustans and the Apartheid regime. Nilin, Ramallah Date: 12 November Where: In-front of the Apartheid Wall in the village […]

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Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Campaign in Support of Palestinian Human Rights Moves Forward in Australia After Landmark Conference

From October 29-31 more than 150 Palestine solidarity activists and supporters of human rights gathered in Melbourne for Australia’s first national Boycott, Divestments and Sanctions (BDS) conference. The conference represents a watershed moment in the Palestinian solidarity movement in Australia with activists across various campaigns coming together and addressing the way forward in the global […]

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Weekly anti-Wall Protest Update

Al Nabi Saleh was the scene of extreme and violent repression from the Occupation forces during the weekly anti-wall protests. Demonstrations marked the 54th anniversary of the massacre at Kafr Qassem. Protesters were also injured in Bil'in and Almasara. Immobilizing devices which burn the skin and cause temporary blindness and convulsions were used against the […]

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Weekly Repression Update 18-25 October 2010

Period: Monday 18 October  to Monday 25 October 2010 Summary:   1)     Arrests of HRDs Arrests of human rights defenders involved in the Silwan peace tent continued, and three minors from Silwan were also arrested. Farmers trying to access their land during the olive harvest also faced arrest.   2)     Violence against HRDs Violence against […]

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Weekly anti-Wall Protest Update

The weekly anti-Wall protests took place across the West Bank, with an escalation of repression by the Occupation Forces during the annual olive harvest. In al Nabi Saleh 15 protesters were injured and the houses of Abd al Wahab al Tamimi, Hamza al Tamimiand Abd al Razeq al Tamimiwere were burned by tear gas and […]

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Weekly anti-Wall Protest Update

Palestinian and international activists came together for the Friday protests, with several reports of injuries from tear gas and rubber bullets. Ten children and two international activists were injured with rubber bullets whilst participating in the weekly demonstration in Al Nabi Saleh village. An American activist aged 24 years old was injured in the head […]

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Criminal Complaint Lodged Against Dutch Company for Construction of Settlements and the Wall

Al-Haq has lodged a criminal complaint against a Dutch private rental company, Riwal, for its involvement in the construction of the Wall and illegal settlements in the Occupied West Bank. The complaint asserts that Riwal is complicit in the commission of war crimes and crimes against humanity – offences contrary to Holland’s International Crimes Act […]