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The legacy of Abdullah Abu Rahmeh and other human rights defenders: time for Israel to face justice for its ongoing repression

The Occupation has increased its violent and systematic campaign against the popular resistance and the grassroots activists, using several brutal and illegal methods which attempt to stop their actions. This includes killing activists Aqul Abu Srour from Bil’in and Bassem Abu Rahma from Ni’lin, violent repression of the weekly protests resulting in many injuries. Also […]

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Calendar of collective olive harvest initiatives

The Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign and its popular committees are coordinating collective efforts to safeguard the annual olive harvest. The harvesting of the olives is becoming more difficult every year as farmers face an intensification of settler attacks, as well as the confiscation, isolation and destruction of their lands, and continued closure and permit restrictions. All […]

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Protest Invitation to Show Solidarity with French BDS Activists

Show Solidarity with French BDS activists Thursday 14 October – 12 noon to 1pm French Consulate in Edinburgh – 11 Randolph Crescent (map here) Palestine solidarity activists in France are being prosecuted for boycotting Israel. The French government has asked all French judges to condemn boycott actions against Israel and, encouraged by this, French Zionist […]

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Weekly Stop the Wall Repression Update

Period: Monday 4 October to Monday 11 October 2010 Summary: The start of the olive season has witnessed an increase in attacks on human rights defenders as they try to harvest their crops 1)Arrests of HRDs Five people were arrested, three whilst harvesting their olive crops. 2) Violence against HRDs Four Palestinians – a journalist, […]

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Bil’in: 2 journalists injured on weekly protest during the olive harvest season

Tear gas and rubber bullets were fired by the Occupation Forces at Palestinians and international activists during the Bil’in weekly protest. Protesters raised flags and banners calling for the release of human rights defenders who have been imprisoned by the Occupation. The protesters also called for further grassroots resistance against the demolition of houses in […]

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Weekly Stop the Wall Repression Update

Period: Monday 20 Sep. to Monday 4 Oct. 2010 Summary: 1)Arrests of HRDs An Associated Press photojournalist was arrested and briefly detained at the weekly anti-wall protest in Beit Ummar. Two students from the Al-Ibrahimi school in Hebron were detained for throwing stones on a settler’s car. 2) Violence against HRDs There was a serious […]

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Occupation Forces supress Al-Masara weekly demonstration,Firing teargas on the children’s circus on the Apartheid Wall

Tens of activists and children suffered from tear-gas inhalation fired at them by the Occupation Forces during the weekly demonstration against the Apartheid Wall in Al-Masara. The weekly demonstration marked the anniversary of the second intifada and was also in solidarity with the secretary general of the PFLP who has been in solitary confinement for […]