Week Against Apartheid Wall Kicks-Off Across Globe

Dutch activists kicked off the week against the Wall with an action in front of the Dutch parliament building at The Hague. A petition against the Apartheid Wall containing over 7000 signatures was presented to the Dutch government and parliament through the Foreign Affairs Committee. Campaigners from the Netherlands Palestine Committee, the Middle East working […]

List of Planned Activities for the 3rd National and International Week Against the Apartheid Wall, November 9-16

“Through Our Hands, the Apartheid Wall Will Fall!”   List of Planned Activities for the 3rd National and International Week Against the Apartheid Wall, November 9-16 Updated November 8 The 9th – 16th& of November 2005 marks the 3rd National and International Week against the Apartheid Wall called for by the Palestinian Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign […]

Meeting of the European Coordination for Palestine Aims at Sanctions and Concrete Action Against the Occupation

A large public meeting attended by representatives of 15 different European countries was held in Brussels on October 8th. Around 150 participants gathered in the city of the European parliament to listen to, among others, an analysis of the situation in Palestine by Ilan Halevi and a presentation of the Unified Palestinian Call for Boycott, […]

Scottish Students Take a Stand for Palestine: New Solidarity Motion Passed!

In Scotland this week, the Senate of Stirling University Students’ Association (SUSA) passed a resolution expressing solidarity with Palestinian universities and students and supporting Palestinians’ inalienable right to education in the face of “the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestine, the illegal wall and illegal settlements”. The resolution, which was brought by SUSA after pressure from […]

Protest targets persecution of Palestinians in Jerusalem and detention of thousands of political prisoners!

Hundreds of protestors staged a powerful demonstration at al-Manara square, Ramallah, demanding the release of Palestinian political prisoners and in particular the recent detainees from Jerusalem. Palestinian prisoners Dr. Ahmad Maslamani, Naser Abukhdair and Rasem A’bedat have been jailed for several months by the Occupation Forces. This protest on the 27th of September marked the […]

Challenging European complicity with the Apartheid Wall and Israeli Crimes:Court Cases for Palestine

The growing number of campaigns in the UK to bring charges of war crimes against Occupation forces military commanders have served to highlight not only the crimes of the Occupation, but also the complicity of European governments in sustaining these crimes and ensuring that perpetrators continue to evade justice. Despite such clear opportunities to bring […]

Tura El-Garbeyah: New military camp on stolen Palestinian lands

***image2***With the global media frenzy for “disengagement” and the evacuation of a handful of settlements and military camps, the Occupation continues to uproot and confiscate Palestinian lands throughout the West Bank. Ignored by the international community and media alike, “disengagement” forms the cover for the latest stage of the perpetual Zionist colonization of Palestine. The […]