Intifada in Raufoss

BDS Norway staged an Intifada against the weapon producer Nammo Friday 6 November.  BDS NORWAY STAGED AN INTIFADA AGAINST THE ARMS PRODUCER NAMMO – DEMANDS FROM THE GOVERNMENT AND NAMMO: STOP ALL ARMS TRADE WITH ISRAEL. Friday morning at 7.30 AM activists from BDS Norway staged an Intifada against Nammo Raufoss AS in eastern Norway. […]

Intifada in Raufoss

BDS Norway staged an Intifada against the weapon producer Nammo Friday 6 November.  BDS NORWAY STAGED AN INTIFADA AGAINST THE ARMS PRODUCER NAMMO – DEMANDS FROM THE GOVERNMENT AND NAMMO: STOP ALL ARMS TRADE WITH ISRAEL. Friday morning at 7.30 AM activists from BDS Norway staged an Intifada against Nammo Raufoss AS in eastern Norway. […]

Solidarity with the Palestinian Popular Resistance

The BNC have published two new documents, take a moment to read and share them within your network! 1. Q&A on Palestinian popular resistance A new resource to help media, activists and supporters of the Palestinian struggle get to grips with the ongoing developments in Palestine.   2. Call out: Turning the tide against Israel’s criminal […]