A Vote Towards a Pariah State

The Israeli elections confirmed that the Likud Party will continue being in government. This is also the government that is responsible for the massacre last summer, which caused more than 2200 deaths among the Palestinian population in Gaza. Responsible for the massacre   The Israeli elections on March 17 confirmed the Likud Party, now in […]

His Future is Dark

Abu Imad is a bedouin. His community and family have been moved twice by the Israeli authority. Now they want to move him again. "They don't even treat us like animals: it's way worse". Watch the video   "My future is very dark" When asked about what he sees in his future, Abu Imad is […]

Workers and Women are the Key

No liberation without a strong and organized working class – and no liberation without a strong women´s liberation movement The Working Class and Women the basis of building democracy the basis of liberation The class situation in Palestine is getting worse. The working class is growing, but the workers are getting poorer and suffer worsening […]

Expulsion of a People

  He lives with a military base as his closest neighbour. His previous neigbors have already gotten their houses demolished. The Israeli government wants to take his house as well.    A military base as his neighbour The farmer Abdul Hamid lives with the military base as his closest neighbour. Two of his relatives houses that […]

We Will Build It Again, And Again

  The Israeli soldiers have leveled the ground and demolished their camp eight times, but they refuse to give up. They are clear in their message: "When the soldiers leave, we will build it again". Watch the video      They rebuilt the camp  A big group of volunteers were gathered to help rebuilding the […]

Bullets Against Protest Camp

  Monday at 10 o`clock Israeli soldiers came and violently destroyed the demonstration camp at Abu Dis. Rubber bullets were shot, and tear gas, sound bombs and pepper spray was thrown at the unarmed civilians. Five people were arrested, and three were injured.  Watch the video here    Want to remove them from their land […]

Job announcement: LDC international outreach coordinator

Job Title: Land Defense Coalition international outreach coordinator Contract: Full time Hours: 40 hours per week Salary: to be determined Expected start date: April 2015   To apply, please send a CV (in English) and cover letter (in English and your mother tongue) and details of at least one referee to coord.stw@gmail.combefore March 02, 2015.     Overall responsibilities:   Main […]

Colonization at Full Speed

  Colonization of Palestine is accelerating. Everywhere new settlements, or colonies, grow up like mushrooms in a damp forest.   Colonists in majority In Salfeet area there are now 19 Palestinian villages and 25 Israeli colonies. A new road between the colonies and the other side of the Green line is only for Israelis. According […]

Israel Wants To Bulldoze The Area

For over a week Palestinians have come together to oppose the forcible relocation of the Bedouins in areas around Jerusalem. Now they face a new challenge. One of the following days, the Israeli government will bulldoze the protest camp and the surrounding area.  Watch the video     Israel will level the ground  They don`t […]