Deir Istya – Fact Sheet

Deir Istya is an old historic village with architecture and city walls from the Mamluk era, the Roman and Byzantine times and the Ottoman Empire. It is located in the West Bank C-area, meaning that Israel has full security and civil control over the area. It is one of the oldest villages in the West […]

Beit Jala – Fact Sheet

The town of Beit Jala lies in Bethlehem district in the West Bank, governed by it’s own municipality and mayor. It is both A-area (approximately 25 per cent) and C-area (the remaining percentage of Beit Jala-land)[1]. Traditionally, the inhabitants of Beit Jala consisted of 80 per cent Christians, but today this figure is much less. […]

‘Azzun ‘Atma Village – Fact Sheet

‘Azzun ‘Atma is a small village in Qalqiliya district of the West Bank that has been occupied since 1967. It is governed as a C-area, meaning that Israeli authorities have full security and civil control. The village of ‘Azzun ‘Atma faces many difficulties due to the checkpoints and the Apartheid Wall, and the settlements that […]

Occupation forces suppress the activities of the 38th anniversary of eternal land day in occupied Palestine.

31 3 2014 Israeli occupation forces suppressed the demonstrations, which began in various Palestinian   Occupied territories since 1948, and occupied west bank to commemorate the 38th anniversary of land Day.  Thousands have participated in land day demonstration in the cities of Araba, and Sakhnin to commemorate the 38 anniversary of land day; and they […]

Injures in protests remembering Al Ibrahimi Mosque massacre

2122014 today, Israeli forces arrested five citizens including Badie Dweik, an activist in Youth Against  Settlements, and dozens were injured. A  Sky agency journalist injured in the head by a tear gas, after the occupation army suppressed the demonstration that Hebron Defense Committee, Stop the Wall campaign, Youth Against Settlements, and several national bodies have called for  on […]