Jayyous village in support of Palestinian prisoners

On Saturday, April 28th, the grassroots Palestinian Anti-Apartheid Wall campaign organized mass march in Jayyous Village (Qalqilya district) in solidarity with the Palestinian prisoners, some 2500 of whom are on hunger strike since April 17. The prisoners entered this mass hunger strike in order to fight  the Israeli policy of administrative detention [detention without trial] […]

Palestinians call for action against Israeli prison contractors G4S

Palestinian civil society and human rights organisations mark Palestinian Prisoners’ Day with call for action against Israeli prison contractor G4S April 17, 2012 – Today, on Palestinian Prisoners’ Day, we the undersigned Palestinian civil society and human rights organisations salute all Palestinian political prisoners, especially those engaging in brave civil disobedience through ongoing hunger strikes in […]

Land Day demonstrations towards Jerusalem!

–          For live streaming from Qalandiya, please watch: https://qik.com/freepalestinelive –          For updates on the various protests in the West Bank, please follow @stopthewall twitter –          For indepth news and photos, check out www.stopthewall.org   Program: In the West Bank a large coalition of Palestinian political forces and movements has organized the following events to break the siege […]

Land Day protests reaffirm Palestinian rights to Jerusalem

To see photos of the protest in Qalandiya: https://www.flickr.com/photos/stopthewall/sets/72157629701904981/ To see photos from the protest in Old City of Jerusalem: https://www.flickr.com/photos/stopthewall/sets/72157629337316924/   While the Palestinian Land Day protests are ongoing, the first critical injury by Israeli military occurred in Bethlehem: Ali Arafe, 20 years old, has been shot with a teargas canister in the face in front of […]