Holding fast to the land in Bethlehem

For the second year in a row, the Bethlehem Agricultural Directorate, in cooperation with Stop the Wall and several other organizations, began voluntary land reclamation work on Thursday in the area of Wad Abu Bakir in al Khadr. International solidarity activists joined in the voluntary work, which is planned to continue throughout the year. The […]

Biweekly Repression Update

Stop the Wall repression update: Dec 28 – Jan 11 These reports, previously released weekly, will now be released twice a month. Within each report, we will provide a brief analysis of the trends in repression occurring in the villages as well as providing statistics about injuries and arrests. We will also provide testimony from […]

Weekly Anti-Wall Protest Update – January 14

Bil’in: In solidarity with the prisoners and martyrs of Bil’in The people of Bil’in marched on Friday against the Wall in solidarity with Abdullah Abu Rahmah, facing Occupation attacks as they tried to reach their lands on the other side of the Wall. Carrying Palestinian flags and pictures of the village’s martyrs, Jawaher Abu Rahmah […]

Weekly Anti-Wall Protest Update

***image1***Bil’in: Women mobilize to honor Jawaher in Bil’in Hundreds of Palestinian and international activists, members of Palestinian women’s institutions and unions, and Palestinian political officials and leaders joined in the protest in Bil’in this week to honor Jawaher Abu Rahmah. Protestors raised Palestinian flags, as well as the flags of various factions, alongside pictures of […]

Weekly Anti-Wall Protest Update

Bil’in: Occupation forces kill protestor in weekly march The heavy use of tear gas used to suppress the protest in Bil’in this week resulted in the death of 34-year-old Jawahar Abu Rahmah and the injury of several others. A massive demonstration was planed to mark the launch of the Palestinian revolution, and in response Occupation […]