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Strong demonstration of international solidarity during Bi’lin’s weekly protest

On July 30th, 2010, there was a significant turn-out of international activists at the weekly demonstration against the Wall and settlements in the village of Bi’lin (Ramallah District) which honored the second anniversary of the deaths of Ahmed Musa and Yusef Amira (activists killed in Ni’lin by Israeli Occupation Forces as they were protesting against […]

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Al-Ma’sara weekly protest demands and end to futile negotiations

On July 30th, 2010, the weekly protest in Al-Ma’sara (Bethlehem District) was launched under the slogan of ‘Stop the negotiations’. Approximately one hundred demonstrators joined the protest which began in front of the Zawahra school and moved towards the Apartheid Wall. Participants carried Palestinian flags and chanted slogans calling for national unity and an end […]

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Al-Ma’sara weekly protest demands and end to futile negotiations

On July 30th, 2010, the weekly protest in Al-Ma’sara (Bethlehem District) was launched under the slogan of ‘Stop the negotiations’. Approximately one hundred demonstrators joined the protest which began in front of the Zawahra school and moved towards the Apartheid Wall. Participants carried Palestinian flags and chanted slogans calling for national unity and an end […]

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Bil’in: former vice-president of the European parliament arrested

Today, July 23, 2010, Israeli occupation forces arrested today the former vice-president of the European Parliament, Louisa Morgntini, as well as other international solidarity activists. As a result of the clashes that followed the repression of the weekly march against the Wall and the settlements, some activists sustained light injuries and dozens suffered from suffocation […]

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Bil’in: former vice-president of the European parliament arrested

Today, July 23, 2010, Israeli occupation forces arrested today the former vice-president of the European Parliament, Louisa Morgntini, as well as other international solidarity activists. As a result of the clashes that followed the repression of the weekly march against the Wall and the settlements, some activists sustained light injuries and dozens suffered from suffocation […]

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Ni’lin: Popular resistance will continue!

100 international solidarity activists from France and Norway participated in the weekly protest. The march was violently repressed causing dozens of activists to suffer from tear gas inhalation. The protestors held the Friday prayer on land close to the Wall. The speech of the Imam underlined the importance of upholding the national and popular resistance […]