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Ni’lin: Popular resistance will continue!

100 international solidarity activists from France and Norway participated in the weekly protest. The march was violently repressed causing dozens of activists to suffer from tear gas inhalation. The protestors held the Friday prayer on land close to the Wall. The speech of the Imam underlined the importance of upholding the national and popular resistance […]

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IOF create security zone to shut out the weekly protest in Wadi Rahal

On Friday July 16th, 2010, Israeli Occupation Forces suppressed the weekly march against the Wall and settlements in the village of Wadi Rahal (Bethlehem District). The march included the participation of international solidarity activists and commemorated the memory of Khaled Al-Azzeh, a member of the Popular Struggle Front politburo and the Bethlehem popular committee against […]

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IOF create security zone to shut out the weekly protest in Wadi Rahal

On Friday July 16th, 2010, Israeli Occupation Forces suppressed the weekly march against the Wall and settlements in the village of Wadi Rahal (Bethlehem District). The march included the participation of international solidarity activists and commemorated the memory of Khaled Al-Azzeh, a member of the Popular Struggle Front politburo and the Bethlehem popular committee against […]