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Nabi Saleh demands access to water

On Friday July 16th, 2010, Israeli Occupation Forces suppressed a march in the village of Nabi Saleh (Ramallah District). The march, featuring a number of international activists, condemned the occupation policies of stealing Palestinian water and depriving people of basic necessities. This summer, Nabi Saleh, like a lot of other Palestinian communities has perpetually endured […]

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Nabi Saleh demands access to water

On Friday July 16th, 2010, Israeli Occupation Forces suppressed a march in the village of Nabi Saleh (Ramallah District). The march, featuring a number of international activists, condemned the occupation policies of stealing Palestinian water and depriving people of basic necessities. This summer, Nabi Saleh, like a lot of other Palestinian communities has perpetually endured […]

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Irtas rally marks the sixth anniversary of the International Court of Justice ruling against the Wall

On Friday July 9th, 2010, the popular committee against the Wall and settlements in the village of Irtas organized a protest which commemorated the 2004 Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice which ruled that Israel’s construction of the Wall was illegal under international law. The march began at ten in the morning and […]

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Irtas rally marks the sixth anniversary of the International Court of Justice ruling against the Wall

On Friday July 9th, 2010, the popular committee against the Wall and settlements in the village of Irtas organized a protest which commemorated the 2004 Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice which ruled that Israel’s construction of the Wall was illegal under international law. The march began at ten in the morning and […]

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6 years after the ICJ ruling: Ni’lin still steadfast against the Wall

On Friday July 9th, 2010, the village of Ni’lin’s weekly protest against the Wall and settlements commemorated the sixth anniversary of the International Court of Justice’s ruling which declared Israel’s construction of the Wall illegal under international law. ***image***As usual, the protest began after Friday prayers and moved towards the lands confiscated by the Wall. […]

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6 years after the ICJ ruling: Ni’lin still steadfast against the Wall

On Friday July 9th, 2010, the village of Ni’lin’s weekly protest against the Wall and settlements commemorated the sixth anniversary of the International Court of Justice’s ruling which declared Israel’s construction of the Wall illegal under international law. ***image***As usual, the protest began after Friday prayers and moved towards the lands confiscated by the Wall. […]