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Occupation Forces rampage in Ni’lin village

Today is the third day of curfew in Ni’lin, west Ramallah. All access roads are closed. At around 11 am this morning, the villagers broke the curfew imposed by the occupation forces. Clashes ensued and have been ongoing until the evening. ***image2***17 have been injured, 5 of them are in hospital, dozens more are suffering […]

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Live bullets, sound grenades and tear gas to repress al Ma’sra’s weekly demonstrations

Live bullets, sound grenades and tear gas were used by occupation forces to disperse a popular march that started from the centre of al Ma’sra, south of Bethlehem, and moved towards the Apartheid Wall. ***image2***Organizers vowed continued resistance and announced more protests to mark the 4th anniversary of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) decision, […]

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BDS Newsletter #04 – June 2008

BDS NEWSLETTER Edition: 04 – June, 2008 CORPORATE NEWS Pressure on Veolia continues This month has seen a number of developments in the campaign against Veolia. Following the decision by SNS Bank’s subsidiary ANS to divest from Veolia, activists approached SNS bank itself. This month, SNS has agreed “the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory is […]

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European NGOs demand Palestinian rights as a condition for the EU-Israel Association Agreement

A list of European NGOs working on human rights, housing and health rights and development have petitioned the EU to ensure that Israel meets certain conditions as part of the EU-Israel Association Agreement. The term “conditionalities” has been coined by the World Bank and other international finance institutions (IFI) to put pressure on countries in […]

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Spanish court examines war crimes case against Israeli military brass

On 24 June 2008, the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) filed a lawsuit at the National Court of Spain, the highest Spanish judicial council, against seven former senior Israeli military officials. These include former Defence Minister Benjamin Ben-Eliezer, his former military advisor, Michael Herzog, former Israeli Army Chief of Staff Moshe Ya’alon and Dan […]

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Seattle divestment initiative gains ground

The Green Party of Seattle has endorsed Initiative 97, which calls for the city of Seattle Employees’ Retirement Fund to restrict investment on companies profiting from war and occupation in Iraq and Palestine. The initiative, which was developed by the Seattle Divest from War and Occupation campaign, aims to limit Seattle’s involvement with companies involved […]

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Another victory against Leviev: UNICEF cuts ties

UNICEF has cut ties with diamond magnate Lev Leviev on account of his involvement in settlement construction in Palestine, particularly on land belonging to the villages of Jayyous and Bil’in. The UNICEF decision comes after pressure on the agency from within Palestine as well as internationally. The international campaign has been led by Adalah-NY, who […]