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Upcoming: Popular Resistance Conference in Jenin

“Because this land is sacred and represents history, civilization and humankind Because this earth holds our grandfathers’ history of thousands of years” The Arab-American University and the organizing committee of the Week against the Apartheid Wall invite you to participate in the Week’s events in the University in Jenin starting from Saturday 10 – Wednesday […]

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Court hearing against Swiss anti-apartheid activists turns into further show of solidarity

A group of activists who interrupted an Israel-Switzerland World Cup qualifier with a protest against Israeli apartheid today used their court appearance in Basle to publicly denounce the occupation again. On September 3, 2005 the four activists ran onto the field with banners demanding “Free Palestine – Boycott Apartheid”. The protest was witnessed by thousands […]

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“NO! Paris does not support and does not wish to support this occupying army”

Solidarity activists in Paris, France, demonstrated on Saturday 27 October against a large public exhibit erected by the Mayor of Paris which proclaims Parisians’ ‘support’ for the Israeli Occupation forces. The exhibit in Parc de Bercy in the 12th Arrondissement of Paris, shows three smiling Israeli members of the Occupation forces, dressed in civilian clothing, […]

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Canadian Students join BDS against Israeli Apartheid!

In early October the Association pour une Solidarité Syndicale Étudiante (ASSÉ) passed an important motion joining in the global movement for BDS. In their motion they commit to an education campaign on Israeli apartheid and support for BDS, joining efforts with other Canadian organizations to stop their country’s cooperation and support to Israel. The ASSE […]

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Mazra’: Settlers and Occupation forces attack land demonstration with live ammunition

***image2***On Friday 26 October, Palestinian demonstrators from the West Bank village of Mazra’ were shot at with live ammunition by Israeli Occupation Forces and settlers while protesting against the theft of their land. By order of the Occupation forces, 1,000 dunums of the village’s land are being confiscated and given to the two nearby settlements […]