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Palestinian Primary School in Fasayil to be demolished on the 29th of November!

***image2***On the Thursday, the 17th of October the Israeli Occupation Forces issued a demolition order for Fasayil’s primary school and yet another Palestinian family’s home in the village. Construction work requires a permit from the Occupation authorities but since the occupation of the West Bank in 1967 not one has been granted. The systematic ban […]

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Two men shot at the Deir Ballut checkpoint

***image2***On Friday 5 October 2007 two Palestinian men from ’48 land were injured when Occupation forces opened fire on their car at Deir Ballut checkpoint, West of Salfit. Witnesses said that the soldiers began shooting without warning and for no apparent reason as the car approached the checkpoint, which is used by Palestinian labourers passing […]

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Al-Walaja under closure and Bil’in demonstrators wounded as Occupation attacks weekly demonstrations

***image2***Nine Palestinians were beaten and injured in the village Bil’in and the village of Al-Walaja put under closure as the Occupation attacked the villages’ weekly demonstrations against the Apartheid Wall on Friday. In Al-Walaja, West Bethlehem villagers held a sit-in on village lands which are being destroyed for the building of the Apartheid Wall. The […]

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Five new colonies to be constructed on stolen Palestinian land while the Occupation infrastructure expands

***image2***On Thursday, a group of Zionist settlers announced in a press conference their intention to build five new colonies on stolen Palestinian land across the West Bank. One of the areas is next to Homesh settlement south-west of Jenin, in place of Silat adh Dhahr settlement which was evacuated in August 2005 during the implementation […]

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Bedouin homes demolished in Anata: the latest chapter in one family’s Nakba

***image2***On Thursday 20 September, a large unit of Occupation forces descended upon the Bedouin community of Arab Al-Jahalin on the eastern edge of Anata village, North East of Jerusalem, destroying seven animal shelters, two zinc houses, a storage unit and a fence. The raid destroyed property belonging to the Jahalin and Abu-Dahuk families. Khamis Suelem […]