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Friday demonstration in Bil’in faces brutal Occupation Attacks

***image2***Bil’in’s Friday demonstration met with severe Occupation attacks this week as over 500 people marched to the lands isolated by the Apartheid Wall. Each demonstrator carried a Palestinian flag to symbolize the united front of the national liberation struggle against the Occupation. Representatives of political parties and members of the Palestinian Legislative Council joined the […]

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Squeezed Between Settlements: Arab Lefhedat under attack

***image2***Occupation Forces attacked villagers in Arab Lefhedat on the morning of May the 8th, leaving fresh demolition orders for Palestinian property. Soldiers conducted inspections of four houses in the village situated to the East of Anata in Jerusalem. Declaring parts of the houses are to be “demolished”, the Occupation continued its trend of systematic violence […]

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Montreal activists plan rally against Apartheid Israel

Palestinian activists in Montreal will stage a mass rally later this week as part of their campaign for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Apartheid Israel. Palestinian organisations will be joined in the action by trade unions, NGOs, student groups, political campaigners and members of the general public. Rally organisers said the event, which will be […]

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Bili’n villagers burn Occupation products in support of boycott

Villagers in Bil’in (west Ramallah district) burnt Occupation products during their weekly demonstration on the 21st of April, declaring their support for the internal boycott movement. Vowing to use only locally manufactured products, the villagers showed how Palestinians can break dependency on the Occupation’s economy, and revive the strategies of the First Intifada in the […]

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Expulsion of coal workers in Yabad: Northern West Bank strangled by closures

South of Yabad – in the west of Jenin district – Occupation Forces have expelled coal workers from their land and work places. Meanwhile intense closures have suffocated the entire northern area of the West Bank, increasing the ghettoization of the disparate Palestinian areas. ***image2***Palestinians engaged in the manufacture of coal near Yabad were expelled […]