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Attack on Palestinian water resources forms part of the Zionist plan to isolate the Jordan Valley

On Monday, Occupation forces handed Mu’ayad Abed al Ra’oof Hreash a military order announcing the demolition of the agricultural water reservoir that allows him to cultivate his land. Mu’ayad Hreash’s land is located in the North West part of Bardala in the northern Jordan Valley. The Occupation built the Apartheid Wall only 200 meters from […]

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The Wall in a Week – Continued popular resistance confronts the escalation of the Occupation’s crimes

During the period from 28 February to 17 March 2006, the Occupation’s onslaught of the Palestinian people has escalated not only in city-wide assaults and killings, but also via an acceleration of Palestinian ghettoization. Land confiscation for new parts of the Wall which further restrict the Palestinian ghettoes, house demolitions and closing of farmer gates […]

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Challenging Tramways of Apartheid – Swiss activists block Connex shuttle run

Swiss activists from Collectif Urgence Palestine stepped up their campaign against Connex, undertaking direct action against the company which supports the racist and Apartheid policies of the Occupation. Interrupting the operation of a Connex operated shuttle, protestors showed the way in boycotting Connex and challenging it’s profiteering from Israeli Apartheid. Connex successfully won a tender […]

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Trade Unions call for greater action and effective boycott against Apartheid Israel

“Why are all the things done to apartheid South Africa not being done to Israel?” demanded top South African trade unionist Willy Madisha as he addressed the national gathering of trade unions in London last week. Speaking at the Palestine Solidarity Campaign’s trade union conference, held on March 11 in London, Madisha – the president […]

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Another brick in the Wall – Pink Floyd Star targeted for playing show in Apartheid Israel

Pink Floyd member Roger Waters reiterated this week his intent to take part in a concert in Apartheid Israel. Signalling a business as usual approach with the Occupation, Waters’ decision has sparked anger and outrage amongst Palestinians and their international supporters. News of the upcoming concert in Tel Aviv catalyzed a protest campaign that has […]

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A Series of Protests Organized in South Tulkarem District Against Checkpoints and Apartheid Wall Gates

***image2***District popular committees against the Apartheid Wall, in cooperation with Palestinian national political parties, organized a demonstration at Jubara military checkpoint and gate situated at the entrance of the village, south Tulkarem District. The demonstration emerged as a community protest against prolific land siege and daily gate and checkpoint closures that are strangulating villages throughout […]

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Budrus: a fortress of Palestinian resistance

***image2***The Occupation forces have stepped up their threats and retaliations against Budrus, western Ramallah, in a vain attempt to force the villagers to accept the ghettos of the Wall and to renounce the struggle for their land. On Sunday, the Occupation forces stormed the village before daylight to hang statements on the doors of houses […]