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European Activists support Palestinian call to “Tear Down This Wall” during week of Action

Barcelona protests Sharon visit as Spanish activists urge solidarity with the Palestinian people! Activists took to the streets across Spain during the week against the Apartheid Wall and as War Criminal Sharon visited Barcelona. A number of awareness raising events called for effective solidarity with the Palestinian people against their ghettoization. Mobilizing in all the […]

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The Destruction in Palestine continues:UN remains idle on international Day of Solidarity

***image2***Today, the 29th of November – the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people marked by the UN – the Occupation continued its trail of destruction in Palestine carrying out demolitions for the Apartheid Wall in Dahiet al-Barid (Jerusalem). 181 kilometers of the eight-meter high concrete structure are close to completion in Jerusalem. Snaking […]

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Basque city passes boycott Israel motion!

Arbizu, a city in the Basque country has make a leap forwards in solidarity with the Palestinian people and has taken measures for comprehensive boycott of Israeli Apartheid. In a motion passed by the city council, complicity and support for the Occupation was banned as a means of solidarity with Palestinians struggling for freedom. In […]

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Ghetto Gate Shut Down as Palestinians target Qalandiya

***image2***A huge crowd of people gathered in front of Qalandiya refugee camp and marched against the Qalandiya gate chanting angry slogans against the Occupation and waving Palestinian flags. Occupation forces rushed to the area to block the protest from reaching the checkpoint. Protesters confronted the soldiers and blocked the racist Qalandiya checkpoint for one and […]