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Palestinian Youth Revolt: Any Role for Political Parties?

The absence of authentic Palestinian national leadership is particularly acute at this time of crisis. The current youth uprising against Israel’s prolonged military occupation and denial of human rights in the occupied Palestinian territory (OPT) and within Israel is generally acknowledged to be largely leaderless. What role is there for political parties to contribute to […]

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Intifada in Raufoss

BDS Norway staged an Intifada against the weapon producer Nammo Friday 6 November.  BDS NORWAY STAGED AN INTIFADA AGAINST THE ARMS PRODUCER NAMMO – DEMANDS FROM THE GOVERNMENT AND NAMMO: STOP ALL ARMS TRADE WITH ISRAEL. Friday morning at 7.30 AM activists from BDS Norway staged an Intifada against Nammo Raufoss AS in eastern Norway. […]

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Intifada in Raufoss

BDS Norway staged an Intifada against the weapon producer Nammo Friday 6 November.  BDS NORWAY STAGED AN INTIFADA AGAINST THE ARMS PRODUCER NAMMO – DEMANDS FROM THE GOVERNMENT AND NAMMO: STOP ALL ARMS TRADE WITH ISRAEL. Friday morning at 7.30 AM activists from BDS Norway staged an Intifada against Nammo Raufoss AS in eastern Norway. […]

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Intifada in Raufoss

BDS Norway staged an Intifada against the weapon producer Nammo Friday 6 November.  BDS NORWAY STAGED AN INTIFADA AGAINST THE ARMS PRODUCER NAMMO – DEMANDS FROM THE GOVERNMENT AND NAMMO: STOP ALL ARMS TRADE WITH ISRAEL. Friday morning at 7.30 AM activists from BDS Norway staged an Intifada against Nammo Raufoss AS in eastern Norway. […]