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Palestine in Revolt. News Report 9th October 2015

News Bulletin: 9th October 2015 The demonstrations and protests have been spreading all over historic Palestine. They have intensified in the Palestinian cities across the Green Line and protests in Gaza have cost six lives in one day only. The revolt is continuing as settlers have attacked Palestinians, especially in the Old City and Salfit […]

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Resistance and Repression in Palestine.

October 7th 2015 – Resistance and Repression in Palestine A brief report. The rebellion unfolding in the West Bank and increasingly across the Green Line is a direct response to Israel’s intensified ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people and its almost seven decades old regime of occupation, apartheid and settler colonialism. It has seen yet […]

Posted inFrom PalestineFrom PalestineFrom Palestine

Resistance and Repression in Palestine. A brief news report: 1st-5th October 2015.

Last week witnessed a series of Israeli violence and Palestinian popular protests which seem to be just the starting point of a relentless escalation. In just five days, four young Palestinians, each one not older than 19 years, have been violently killed during clashes, rows with the settlers, or, like the 13 year old Abd […]

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Ramallah today – October 9 2015

Today, in Ramallah tens of thousands filled the entire city centre to accompany the funeral of Muhannad Halabi, killed three days ago after an attack in the Old City of Jerusalem. The funeral started at 1pm when the masses gathered in front of the main mosque and marched from there to the city's cemetery in […]

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Israeli executions continue

Since the middle of September, violence is escalating throughout the Occupied Territories and East Jerusalem. A huge number of Israeli military forces have been deployed and distributed in these areas. During the past week, amongst the clashes, Israel hasn't missed the occasion to show its ability to execute in cold blood unarmed Palestinian youths. (Click […]

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A reminder from War on Want: G4S and the British complicity in Israels’ violence.

1.10.2015 Israeli police continue their violent crackdown on Palestinians protesting at Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem. The British private security firm G4S has contracts equipping and providing services to the Israeli police and prisons, making G4S complicit in this violence. Al Aqsa mosque is one of the holiest sites in Islam. For centuries, Muslims around the […]