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52 leading international figures call for a Military Embargo on Israel

Occupied Palestine – On the eve of the International Day of Solidarity with the People of Palestine, 52 international notables issued a statement calling for “urgent … international action towards a mandatory, comprehensive military embargo against Israel.” Though directly motivated by Israel’s latest war of aggression against the 1.6 million Palestinians in the occupied and […]

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The Occupation force suppresses weekly marches in the West Bank. Several demonstrators injured.

The legitimate and rightful weekly demonstration of the Palestinian continued this Friday against the occupation, the apartheid wall, & the settlements. Youth and foreign solidarity activists in Nabi Saleh was wounded by rubber bullets, after Israeli occupation forces suppressed the protest march of the village, north-west of Ramallah, against the settlement and confiscation of Palestinian […]

Posted inIn Solidarity

WSF Palestine Updates

Let’s stand together in solidarity with Gaza! Let’s build solidarity for a free Palestine! Probably never before have the last weeks of preparation for a WSF event been marked by such a strong sense of urgency and importance: Now more than ever we need to stand together, organize and show the strength of global solidarity […]

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Video: settler car hits Abdallah Abu Rahmeh; Rushdi Tamimi dies after being shot in Nabi Saleh village

Video was released today showing a car, presumably driven by an Israeli settler, deliberately hitting a Palestinian protester, identified as Abdallah Abu Rahmeh, during a peaceful demonstration today. The protest took place outside Ofra settlement near Ramallah on Route 60. Abdallah Abu Rahmeh has served as the media coordinator of the popular committee in Bilin, […]

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G4S blockaded in Oslo over support for Israeli apartheid

Activists block the entrance to G4S’ offices in Oslo. (Norwegian Palestine Committee) Early this morning, a group of activists from the Palestine Committee of Norway blocked the entrance to the offices of the security firm G4S in Oslo. The activists demanded that G4S stop all activities that contribute to the occupation of the West Bank […]

Posted inIn Solidarity

From Norway – in solidarity with Gaza

From Norway – in solidarity Gaza demonstrations November 17th The Palestine Committee of Norway arranged several big and small demonstrations in support for our friends in Palestine, and especially the inhabitants of the Gaza Strip, Saturday November 17th. In the main cities, Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, Tromsø, Lillehammer, Hamar, Narvik, but also in smaller towns, people […]