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Action around the globe for Jawaher

More than a dozen protests, vigils and other actions were staged on the 10th and after in honor of Jawaher Abu Rahmah and in conjunction with the commemoration in Bil’in. In Brazil several groups organized a lecture and discussion about the struggle of Palestinian women, in Turkey activists from BDS – Istanbul translated a number […]

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Solidarity with the Egyptian and Tunisian revolutions in Bethlehem

On Sunday, nearly one hundred Palestinians gathered Manger Square to stand in solidarity with the Egyptian and Tunisian revolutions, and the current movements in Yemen and Algeria. Participants carried Palestinian, Egyptian and Tunisian flags and shouted slogans for the victory of the two revolutions, haling the great accomplishments that have been achieved by both Egyptians […]

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Biweekly Repression Update

Stop the Wall repression update: Jan 27 – Feb 9 Part I: Testimony Exerts from testimony gathered by PCHR from ‘Omar Ahmed Hamza Qadous, who spoke about the killing of his cousin Odai Qadous. From the village of Iraq Bourin, Odai was shot and killed on January 27 by a settler from Barkha settlement. According […]

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Two 14-year-olds arrested in Bil’in

On Saturday, Occupation forces arrested two young boys in Bil’in. Mohammed Faisel al Khatib and Amir ‘Aiysi Yasin, both 14 years old, were arrested by soldiers on the pretext that they were too close to the Apartheid Wall. Last Wednesday, three other boys were arrested in Bil’in, also for being too close to the Wall. […]

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Weekly Anti-Wall Protest Update – February 11

Ni’in: Dozens suffer from gas inhalation as protestors hail the Egyptian revolution Nearly 400 demonstrators prayed on the land near the Apartheid Wall in Ni’lin this Friday. The weekly sermon called for an end to Palestinian internal divisions and saluted the Egyptian revolution, emphasizing that the Palestinian people stand with their Egyptian brothers. The march […]