At dawn on Friday, January 8th, armed Israeli soldiers raided the house of Palestinian farmer and human rights defender Khaled Daraghmeh (Abu Jamal), from the village of al-Luban al-Sharqiyya, southern Nablus district. After desperate attempts by his wife to stop the soldiers, who brutally assaulted her, they arrested Abu Jamal and took him to an […]

#FreeAbuJamal: Israel’s desperate attempt to break Palestinian steadfastness
At dawn, 2 AM of Friday January 8, the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) have arrested Palestinian farmer Khaled Daraghmeh (Abu Jamal). Tens of armed Israeli soldiers raided the house of Abu Jamal located in the village of al-Luban al-Sharqiya, south of Nablus. The Israeli soldiers aggressively attacked Abu Jamal’s wife while she was trying to […]

New Unions: We demand justice for killing of Palestinian worker
Israeli settlers torture and beat to death a Palestinian worker in his place of work in the illegal Israeli settlement of Gilo. The body of Abdulfatah Obayat was found in a building in Gilo last Wednesday, Dec. 16th, 2020. The Palestinian New Federation of Trade Unions consider this brutal murder one of the starkest forms of brutality Palestinian workers in Israeli business are subject to. We call on the International Labor Organization, International Trade Union Confederation and trade unions to hold Israel and its corporations accountable for its crimes against the Palestinian workers.

2020 Overview of the Olive Harvest in Palestine
The “You Are Not Alone” campaign – the collective efforts and the voluntary work to support the Palestinian farmers through the olive harvesting season – has once again provided essential support to the Palestinian farmers and continues to be the first backbone of the Palestinian farmers in front of the attacks of Israeli settlers and soldiers during the olive harvesting season.

With Outrage at Israeli Apartheid, Palestinians Say Farewell to Ali Abu Alia
Today, with tears, sorrow and outrage, Palestinians bid farewell to 13-year-old Ali Abu Alia after he was shot dead by Israeli army in al-Mughayir village, Ramallah district. Ali was peacefully protesting along with the residents of his village the establishment of a settler outpost on their land when Israeli soldiers shot him in the stomach yesterday, 4 December.

Attack on Zief village escalates Israeli Apartheid Demolitions
The Israeli Occupation Forces raided Zief village in Hebron on Tuesday, and they demolished and confiscated mobile homes and barracks belonging to the Palestinian residents and farmers, as well as devastating their agricultural lands, barbed wires, and the gate of the land. This systematically savage attempt to displace the Palestinian people from their homes and […]

Palestinians demand “No more Partition Plans”
Today, November 29 is the anniversary of Resolution 181 adopted by the United Nations that recommended the partition of Palestine. 73 years later continue Palestinians popular actions and everyday practices of sumud against the ongoing Nakba that started with the adoption of this resolution. The UN Partition Plan resulted in the large scale expulsion of […]

Against Trump’s ‘delusional damage’, we need to build for real anti-racism
The US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has finished a whirlwind trip to underscore the unconditional support of the ever more delirious Trump administration for Israeli apartheid. The visits and statements by Pompeo only reinforce the impression that the US administration under the outgoing President Donald Trump has lost all sense of reality.

#WorldwithoutWalls 2020 Resistance Rising – an initial roundup
“World without Walls” has shown to be as urgent and inspiring as it was 4 years ago, when we launched the call in the aftermath of Trump’s electoral campaign promising a ‘big, fat, beautiful wall’, insprired by Israel’s walls. In ocasión of this year’s Global Day of InterAction for a #WorldwithoutWalls, hundreds of people and […]

Round up: World without Walls 2020
“World without Walls” has shown to be as urgent and inspiring as it was 4 years ago, when we launched the call in the aftermath of Trump’s electoral campaign promising a ‘big, fat, beautiful wall’, insprired by Israel’s walls. In ocasión of this year’s Global Day of InterAction for a #WorldwithoutWalls, hundreds of people and […]