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Geneva says:“No! to the world largest prison”

***image2***In Geneva two street events, which took place on Friday the 10th and Saturday the 11th of November, have characterized the week against the Apartheid Wall. The activists from Collectif Urgence Palestine have created huge, street-wide banners in the city center of Geneva. The whole installation reached 40 meters with black sheets bearing Handala along […]

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Dozens of International NGOs in Palestine call remind their government of the ICJ decision

In the 4th Week against the Apartheid Wall, some of the major international NGOs acting in Palestine have joined together to denounce once again the construction and effects of the Apartheid Wall. Sadly, they are forced to remind their governments about the existence and mandate of the ICJ decision. The common statement calls on all […]

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New Yorkers Resist the Apartheid Walls from Palestine to Mexico

***image2***On Saturday, November 11th, the Ad-Hoc Coalition for Justice in the Middle East and DRUM (Desis Rising Up & Moving) held a workshop in Manhattan highlighting the parallels between the wall on the US-Mexico border and the Apartheid Wall in Palestine. The workshop was immediately followed by a spirited march through Manhattan with protesters carrying […]

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9th – 16th Of November 2006:4th National & International Week Against The Apartheid Wall

9th – 16th Of November 2006: 4th National & International Week Against The Apartheid Wall “We Shall Stay Generation after Generation Defiant and Steadfast until Liberation” As the ghetto walls close around our people, the voice of the Palestinian and Arab resistance continues to echo within the Bantustans and beyond. This year’s week against the […]

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Stand up and Stop the Massacres in Palestine!

Palestine mourns yet another 23 martyrs killed during the night. Massacres in Palestine far from over while the world continues to maintain silence. Last night, Occupation Forces attacked the people of Beit Hanoun in their sleep, shelling indiscriminately at houses, killing 18 Palestinians and leaving many more injured, most of them women and children. It […]

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Week against the Apartheid Wall kicks off in the streets of Melbourne!

The Stop the Wall rally organized by the Melbourne Palestine Solidarity Network kicked off the international Week against the Apartheid Wall as the 9th of November started in Australia. Australians for Palestine contributed to the mobilization with an amazing mock wall. The wall was assembled before the rally began and attracted many curious onlookers who […]