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Two more grassroots activists in Israeli jails

Today, February 21, during a protest for the release of Munther Amira, coordinator of the Popular Struggle Coordination Committee, two young activists have been arrested as Israeli military brutally attacked the demonstration. Some two hundred activists had gathered in front of Ofar prison to show their solidarity with Munther Amira, who is being kept in […]

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Tree planting against land confiscation

Last Sunday, members of the Palestinian Agriculture Society in Jericho gathered together with the local community to plant trees in An Nuweim, in the Jordan Valley. The objective of the action was to ensure the use of land and with this to prevent it from being taken over by the settlers and eventually confiscated by […]

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Day of Rage: Two Palestinians killed, hundreds injured

The day of mobilisation called for in Palestine on Friday has seen mass demonstrations all over Palestine. During the day, Israeli repression was heavy and killed two Palestinians in Gaza and left over 800 people injured. Protests erupted all over Palestine, the West Bank, Gaza and inside the Green Line. Protests in most places were […]