Posted inFrom Palestine

Injures in protests remembering Al Ibrahimi Mosque massacre

2122014 today, Israeli forces arrested five citizens including Badie Dweik, an activist in Youth Against  Settlements, and dozens were injured. A  Sky agency journalist injured in the head by a tear gas, after the occupation army suppressed the demonstration that Hebron Defense Committee, Stop the Wall campaign, Youth Against Settlements, and several national bodies have called for  on […]

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Occupation forces suppressed an activity to plant olive seedlings in Susia area

15 2 2014, Israeli occupation forces suppressed an activity to plant olive seedlings  in Susia area in Hebron,  they also prevented activists from reaching Al Mkfarah and Atwana regions to plant olive seedlings.    More than 150 Stop the Wall and Farmers Union activists planted 200 olive seedlings in Susia area and distributed 300 seedlings […]

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Settlers’ attacks Report for January of 2014. Uprooting more than 2,000 olive trees and almost daily attacks on citizens.

January 2014 witnessed increase in the continues settlers' crimes against Palestinians and their property, as well as the reveal of further settlement expansion plans that the Israeli government agreed on.  The Israeli government has announced the construction of more than 1,600 housing units were distributed as follows:  0.250 housing units in the settlement of "Ofra" […]

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Palestinians ask Rome not to sign with Mekorot

Palestinian civil society organizations highlight that the proposed collaboration between Rome's water company ACEA and Mekorot amounts to a violation of that legal obligation and urge the authorities to follow the principled stand taken by your Dutch counterpart and ensure that ACEA does not contribute to violations of international law and human rights committed by […]

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Norwegian Government Pension Fund and Danish Bank exclude two Israeli Companies

Last Thursday, the 30th of January, the Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global (GPFG) announced its reconsideration over the previous decision made in August 2013, which rescinded the 2010 ban over two Israeli companies, Africa Israel Investments and its construction subsidiary, Danya Cebus. The re-exclusion was made due to “an unacceptable risk of the companies, through […]

Posted inIn Solidarity

Solidarity from the South: The World Social Forum declares its support to BDS and to the Palestinian people

In January, the Brazilian cities of Porto Alegre and Canoas received the Thematic Social Forum whose theme chosen was “Capitalist Crisis, Democracy, Social and Environmental Justice". The event, an icon of the altermundism and of the anti-neoliberal, anti-colonialist and anti – imperialist struggle, is a space for global civil society to organize itself and to […]