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Palestinian movements plant olives in defense of their land against JNF

Sunday, January 13, 2013, the Palestinian, grassroots anti-apartheid wall campaign (Stop the Wall), the Farmers’ Union and the Popular Coalition for the Right of Land organized an event to plant new olive trees. A delegation from the boycott committee against the Jewish National Fund (JNF), residents from Khirbet at-Twail and Aqraba village participated in support […]

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Reclaiming the land: Palestinian popular resistance activists set-up protest tent village in E1 area in opposition to Israeli settlements

Yesterday, Friday 11 January 2013, Palestinian activists sought to protect land under threat from Israeli settlements. Coordinated by the Palestinian Grassroots Anti Apartheid Wall And Settlements Campaign (Stop the Wall) and Popular Committees against the Wall, around 250 activists from all over the West Bank set up a village of 25 protest tents in the […]

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Palestinian Home Demolished in East Jerusalem

JERUSALEM, January 1, 2013 (WAFA) – Workers from the Israeli West Jerusalem municipality Tuesday demolished a Palestinian home in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Issawieh under the pretext it was built without a permit, according to the house owner. Ahmad Issawi, 40, told WAFA that the workers brought a bulldozer and proceeded to demolish the […]

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NZ Super Fund cuts firms on ethical grounds

  The New Zealand Superannuation Fund has excluded three companies from its $20 billion investment portfolio on responsible investment grounds. All three companies – Africa Israel investments and subsidiary Danya Cebus, Elbit Systems Ltd, and Shikun Binui – are involved in constructing Israeli settlements or a separation barrier in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, which have […]

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Once again weekly demonstrations against the settlements, the apartheid wall, imprisonment of Palestinians and in the struggle for human rights were held throughout all of the West Bank, and once again the occupation forces suppressed the legitimate march

  Occupation forces suppressed the weekly demonstration of Kufr Qaddum, east Qalqiliya district, against the Israeli settlements and demanded the occupation authorities to open the main entrance of the village, which has been closed for more than 10 years. The Israeli suppression of the demonstration led to several injuries with suffocation and people fainting as […]

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Violations of human rights and international law continued this week with further demolition of houses, mosques and agricultural facilities. The occupation toppled it all by issuing the construction of several thousand housing units in the West Bank.

  Occupation forces demolished Tuesday morning the mosque of al-Mafqara east of Yatta and south of Hebron for the second time in a row for two year on Tuesday the 4th of December. Ratib al-Jabour, from Yatta grassroots committee, told the Palestinian news agency (Wafa) that “the occupation forces raided al-Mafqara in the dawn and […]