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WSF Free Palestine registration process starts now!

Registration of activities, organizations, individual participants and media for the WSF Free Palestine start from October and will be made online at the link that will be available on the site: Here are more details of the schedule:   Registration for activities and organizations:   The online registration for organizations and pre-registration of activities […]

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28 de septiembre acción Mundial por Palestina (FSM PL)

Foro Social Mundial- Palestina Libre Llamado a la acción simultánea de solidaridad, 28 noviembre-1 diciembre 2012 Del 28 de noviembre al 1 de diciembre, miles de activistas, organizadores, jóvenes, grupos religiosos, sindicatos, músicos, académicos y muchos más, se darán cita en Porto Alegre, Brasil en el primer Foro Mundial Social dedicado exclusivamente a Palestina. Para […]

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Deir Ibzi Community Voice

Deir Ibzi, a village located north west of Ramallah, is a village of 13,860 dunams, with only 250 dunams built upon, and with a little over 2000 inhabitants. The village has been called by the name Deir 'Ibzi since the Roman era, and means "place of the well-spoken". It also has the Bubeen Spring that […]

Posted inFrom Palestine

Al Masara weekly demonstration and the 30th anniversary of the Sabra and Shatila massacre

  On Friday 14th September 2012 demonstrators from the village of al-Masara gathered for their weekly demonstration against the occupation, where they were confronted by Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF). Situated approximately 13km southwest of Bethlehem, and close to the town of Beit Omar, Al-Masara is an agricultural village that faces great hardship due to the theft […]

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Protest tomorrow: Social justice and the termination of the Paris Economic Protocol

FREEDOM… JUSTICE… DIGNITY   Building upon the popular anger that rejects being turned into beggars who are preoccupied with making a living instead of our national struggle, Palestinians for Dignity calls upon you to join a mass march to demand:   Social justice and the termination of the Paris Economic Protocol Tuesday, September 11, 2012 […]