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Global actions for Jawaher Abu Rahmah

Jawaher Abu Rahmah died on January 1 as a result of the tear gas she inhaled on December 31 during a protest against the Apartheid Wall that strangles her village Bil’in, stealing its lands and livelihood. She had seen her brother killed in a similar protest almost two years ago when Israeli military shot him […]

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Weekly Anti-Wall Protest Update – February 4

Al Ma’sara: Occupation forces repress weekly demonstration in solidarity with the Egyptian revolution Marching for the victory of the Egyptian revolution, protestors from al Ma’sara set out from the village school calling for freedom for Palestine and in solidarity with the youth of the popular Egyptian revolution. Protestors made their way through the streets carrying […]

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Three youth arrested in Bil’in

Three boys from the village of Bil’in on Wednesday, as Occupation forces continue to target village youth. According to eye witnesses in the village, Occupation soldiers arrested the Jamal al Khatib (14), Mahmoud Samara (16) and ‘Omar al Khatib (13) on the pretext that they were found near the Apartheid Wall constructed on village land. […]

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Contest Winner: Roadmap to Apartheid

This week, Students Against Israeli Apartheid (SAIA) Carleton launched a divestment campaign targeting firms supporting the Israeli military and settlement operations. The Carleton University Pension Fund is invested in five companies that are complicit in human rights violations and crimes under international law in the West Bank and Gaza – Motorola, BAE Systems, Northrop Grumman, […]

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Demolition orders in Khirbet al Tawil

A week ago, Occupation forces delivered final warnings to four farmers from Khirbet al Tawil, east of Aqraba, for the destruction of their homes. The buildings, constructed from mud, have received seven consecutive demolition orders. The homes shelter some 35 persons, all of whom work in farming and raising livestock. In total, there are 18 […]