More injuries and arrests as the villages of Bil’in and Ma’sara protest the Wall

***image2***Protestors marched against the Wall in Bil’in and al-Ma’sara on Friday. A solidarity delegation from France joined the people of Bil’in, and two people were injured during the course of the day. Occupation forces have also arrested another member of the Bil’in popular committee. The demonstration in Bil’in began as usual in the center of […]

Ni’lin demands the release of its prisoners

***image1***Upwards of 150 residents of Ni’lin marched against the Apartheid Wall, which cuts off 2500 dunums of village land. Protestors set out after Friday prayers, joined in solidarity by international and Israeli activists. Carrying Palestinian flags, demonstrators called for national unity and an end to the national crisis. Youth also carried pictures of those that […]

Ni’lin village demands release of Mohammad Othman during Friday demonstration

***image1***As usual, the protest started after the prayer with more than 200 hundred farmers, Israeli and international peace activists from France, Sweden and England. Demonstrators were carrying Palestinian flags, calling for an end to the occupation and freedom for all Palestinian prisoners. Youth were also carrying pictures of Mohammad Othman and shouting for his release. […]

Free Mohammad Othman Now!

On September 22, Mohammad Othman was arrested by soldiers on the Allenby Bridge Crossing, the border from Jordan to Palestine. He is now being held in Huwara prison as a prisoner of conscience, arrested solely for his human rights work. ***image2***Mohammad, 33 years old, has dedicated the last ten years of his life to the […]

Spain excludes settlement university from academic competition

The “University Center of Ariel in Samaria” (AUCS) has been excluded from a prestigious university competition about sustainable architecture in Spain. With this move, Spain joins the growing number of European governments taking effective, even though preliminary, steps to uphold international law by boycotting or divesting from institutions and corporations involved in or profiting from […]