Friday anti-Wall protests commemorate Land Day

Large numbers of participants was a feature of this Friday’s actions, which were held in commemoration of Land Day. Protests against the Wall were held in the usual locations of Jayyous, Ni’lin, al-Ma’sra and Bi’lin. After a brief hiatus last week, violence is escalating again in Ni’lin, where a local youth was shot with live […]

Friday protests continue against the Wall

This past Friday, people in Ni’lin, Ma’sara, Jayyous and Bi’lin held their weekly demonstrations. Hundreds turned out; some on the occasion of Mother’s Day and others in support of the American activist wounded the week prior in Ni’lin. Demonstrations in Wadi Rasha have halted for the time being, as Occupation forces have temporarily halted uprooting […]

Greek neighborhood committees take up BDS

Neighborhood committees created to oppose price rises in Greece joined the call for a boycott of Israeli products. The decision to support the boycott movement, taken in response to the attack on the Gaza Strip, illustrates the global linkages that can and should be made between struggles against oppression in different parts of the world. […]

Israeli Apartheid Week 2009

Israeli Apartheid Week 2009 took place in more than 40 cities across the globe. First held in Toronto in 2005, it has spread rapidly around the world. This year, in addition to the regular participating locations, a number of new cities in Europe, North America and South Africa joined, along with every major city and […]

Australian activists launch campaign to derail Veolia/Connex

When the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) launched its campaign against the Veolia and Connex companies, all of Melbourne took notice. Australian visual artist (and PSC member) Van Thanh Rudd contributed a simple yet powerful work to the Melbourne exhibition, “Resisting Subversion of Subversion Resistance: Propositions towards urban (r)evolution exhibition.” Titled “Economy of Movement (a Piece […]