In Response to Israel’s Latest Massacre in Gaza: Arms Embargo Now!

  Last Friday, Israel yet again used Palestinian civilians as guinea pigs in its weapons laboratory, testing its new teargas-firing drones against civilians in Gaza. The export of Israeli military technology, “field-tested” on Palestinians, contributes substantially to financing Israel’s oppression of Palestinians and military aggression against other nations. The BDS National Committee welcomes the recent […]

Bilin’s protests at 13: the struggle continues

Today, the village of Bil’in has marked 13 years of popular struggle against Israel’s apartheid Wall and its regime of apartheid, colonialism and occupation. Activists have staged a mass protest challenging the Wall on its lands and calling for BDS. At noon time around one thousand Palestinian and international activists gathered in a protest called […]

Activists protest official US delegation

A group of activists has protested the presence of an official US Congress delegation, which had scheduled as part of their Israel trip a white-washing event Ramallah. A number of activists gathered outside the headquarters of the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research to denounce the presence of an official US Congress delegation inside […]

Two more grassroots activists in Israeli jails

Today, February 21, during a protest for the release of Munther Amira, coordinator of the Popular Struggle Coordination Committee, two young activists have been arrested as Israeli military brutally attacked the demonstration. Some two hundred activists had gathered in front of Ofar prison to show their solidarity with Munther Amira, who is being kept in […]