Wave of Demolitions in the West Bank leave 75 people homeless

Yesterday, Occupation forces carried out a widespread demolition operation across the West Bank. Communities in the Jordan Valley were the hardest hit, although people in the Qalqilya district were also affected. ***image2***Around 9:00 in the morning, Occupation border police, soldiers and the so-called “civil administration” forces rolled into al-Hadidya with a bulldozer. Residents reported that […]

Demonstrations for Gaza continue in Ramallah

This afternoon, more demonstrations occurred in the Ramallah area to protest the Occupation’s ongoing crimes in Gaza. Around 200 young students from al-Bireh secondary school, mostly girls, marched through central Ramallah in solidarity with the people of Gaza. This marks the third consecutive day of Ramallah protests against the siege. Shopkeepers in Ramallah have also […]

BDS Newsletter #01 – February 2008

BDS NEWSLETTER Edition 01 – February, 2008 Boycott “Israel at 60” celebrations The BDS National Committee has issued an appeal to international civil society, calling for a boycott of the “Israel at 60” celebrations. Adopted from a PACBI initiative and supported by 104 organizations, this appeal is the core call from Palestine for 2008. It […]