First Bank decides to Divest! Dutch Civil Society challenges investments in the Occupation

Solidarity activists and the Palestinian community in the Netherlands have achieved a major success for the divestment movement as the first Bank decides to divest from Veolia, a company that actively supports Israeli colonization, and “all companies that benefit from Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territory”. Veolia is a major stakeholder in the tramway built in […]

Resisting colonialism in Palestine and Oaxaca

Across the world, grassroots opposition has continued to support the people of Oaxaca and Palestine. In the US and Europe, people have expressed solidarity with Oaxaca and demonstrated in front of Mexican embassies. In San Jose, a small group of activists distribute literature about the apartheid nature of the Wall and lead weekly protests against […]

Activists in Istambul protest the Apartheid Wall

Activists from the Istanbul branch of Mazlumder, a nation-wide Human Rights and solidarity organization, have called for a demonstration in the city center protesting against the Apartheid Wall. People of all ages gathered holding banners and torches and listened to speakers who addressed the demonstrators. Below is the full text of the declaration released by […]