The Collective Palestine Paris 8 rallies For the 9th International Week against the Apartheid Wall in Palestine

  Program all day on Wednesday, November 16 included: Tables of information and sales solidarity Construction of a symbolic wall on campus Projection (continuous – Building A) of the film Iron Wall, "the Iron Wall," which traces the history of Israeli settlement since 1967, showing in particular the acceleration since the Oslo accords and, more […]

Al Hadidiye to be demolished once again: Halt this new wave of ethnic cleansing!

Week against the Apartheid Wall (Nov. 9 – 16) – “Take Apartheid off the Menu” Action Day (Nov. 26) Immediately contact your consulate and embassy through our email action! While the international community discusses Palestinian statehood, on the ground Israel is continuing the ethnic cleansing and colonization of Palestine with a further displacement push in the […]

CGT- INRA Trade Union of France Expresses Solidarity with Palestine during WAAW

  CGT- INRA Trade Union (Confédération Générale du Travail- Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique) of France expresses his solidarity with the Palestinian Workers and Farmers, in general and especially during the 9th International Week (November 9-16, 2011) Against Israeli Apartheid Wall.   The Apartheid Wall has been deemed illegal by the International Court of Justice.   The Apartheid Wall […]

The 8th Annual Israeli Apartheid Week 2012

Feb – March 2012 In an open letter dated October 21-2011, Palestinian students wrote “we hope you put BDS at the forefront of your campaigns and join together for Israeli Apartheid Week, the pinnacle of action across universities worldwide”. In response, organizers across the globe are gearing up for the 8th annual Israeli Apartheid Week […]