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BDS Newsletter #12 – February 2009

BDS NEWSLETTER Edition: 12 – February, 2009 Endorse the international day of action on March 30! During the month of March, 2009, the Palestine National BDS Committee has launched a major endorsement gathering drive. This leads up to the Global Day of BDS actions on March 30 that was announced at the World Social Forum […]

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Fence planned on land of Beit ‘Ummar

A new fence will be erected along the settler road that runs on the edges of Beit ‘Ummar. This move will not only hamper the movement of the residents, but will also further extend military control over the village. At the beginning of March, Occupation forces distributed a military order announcing their intentions to erect […]

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UK boycotts Leviev

The government of the United Kingdom has decided to boycott Israeli diamond and real estate mogul Lev Leviev over his companies’ construction of settlements. The decision by the UK government is the result of a coordinated advocacy campaign demanding that the UK government end plans to rent the new UK Embassy in Tel Aviv from […]

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Protests against Batsheva Dance Company

Protests and boycott calls have followed the Batsheva Dance Company as it makes its way across North America. Actions in Vancouver, Ann Arbor, Chicago, Pittsburgh and Los Angeles all served to draw attention to Occupation crimes in Gaza and raise awareness about the growing BDS movement. ***image1***From early to mid February, Batsheva toured in the […]

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UK students win divestment victory, stand with Jayyous

In another victory for the UK student occupations, Cardiff University has been forced to divest from the arms trade. Also, Sussex University has organized a week of action in solidarity with the arrested students from Jayyous. The occupation of Cardiff University ended as the university administration acceded to the occupiers’ key demand – to divest […]

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‘Anabta checkpoint expanded

For the third day in a row, Occupation forces continued expanding the ‘Anabta checkpoint east of Tulkarm. Bulldozers razed land trees belonging to owners from the nearby village of Ramin, in another step toward strengthening the system of movement restrictions that has been strangling the West Bank. ***image3***At the checkpoint, eyewitnesses reported that huge military […]