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Norwegian activists disrupt Israeli-Norwegian business seminar

In Oslo on November 3, the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs held a half-day seminar about business and research cooperation with Israel, inviting Norwegian and Israeli corporations, research institutions in The Research Council of Norway and other representatives of the two countries’ business and research sectors. The controversial seminar has gotten widespread attention in Norway […]

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Occupation forces stop the farmers at this Friday’s olive harvest

While settlers this Friday were apparently taking a break from their continuous attacks, Occupation forces stepped into fill the gap. In Ni’lin and al-Ma’sra people were prevented from reaching the lands affected by the Apartheid Wall. ***image2***In Ni’lin over one hundred people were blocked from reaching their olive groves close to the Wall’s path. After […]

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Settlers cut forty olive trees on Kafr Qadum land

In the early morning of October 26 2008, Occupation forces prevented farmers from the village of Kafr Qadum from reaching their farmland. The farmers were attempting to reach their land to harvest their olives, but as has been the case throughout the olive harvest, the Occupation cited “security purposes” for its actions. ***image4***As the farmers […]

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Olive groves, shops, markets and homes targeted in Ni’lin by Occupation forces

As has been the case throughout the West Bank, the village of Ni’lin has been subjected to increasing violence in recent weeks, as Occupation forces have used extreme measures to deny the villagers’ basic rights during the olive harvest. ***image2***On Friday October 24 2008, farmers from Ni’lin were attacked by Occupation forces and prevented from […]

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Attacks and closures mark Friday harvest

Demonstrations and clashes between Palestinians and Occupation forces occurred today across the West Bank as farmers attempted to carry on with the olive harvest. The villages of Ma’sra and Ni’lin saw confrontations between villagers and soldiers, while in Kufr Qadum and ‘Asira al-Qibliya settlers continued to harass and assault local residents. ***image1***The day’s events began […]

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Mayor of Kufr Qadum attacked

Settlers have attacked the mayor of Kufr Qadum and his brother in the family’s olive groves. This comes on the eve of the olive harvesting action organized by the Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign, where Palestinian and international volunteers will take part in the village harvest. Kufr Qadum mayor Muhammad Steweh and his brother, together with their […]