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Northern West Bank activists join Ni’lin launch women’s movement against the Wall with demo

A women’s demonstration organized by the Ni’lin Popular Committee against the Apartheid Wall marched yesterday from the center of Ni’lin to the land threatened by confiscation by the Occupation forces. Headed by female activists and organizations from all over Palestine, hundreds of demonstrators including town locals, other Palestinians, and international solidarity activists took part in […]

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Ni’lin demonstrations continue to succeed in halting construction

Hundreds of people from Ni’lin and the surrounding villages, supported by some internationals, marched again to their threatened land. The people managed to halt construction work, causing the Occupation force stationed in the area to respond violently. ***image2***The demonstration began at 11:00 in the village centre. Given the recent victories against the bulldozers, soldiers have […]

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Ni’lin: Despite mounting brutality by the Occupation forces, 1,000 villagers protest the Apartheid Wall

Today, 1,000 villagers from Ni’lin, the surrounding villages and international supporters marched in a powerful demonstration to the area were bulldozers are destroying the people’s lands. This comes a day after the Occupation forces had injured 7 people in clashes in Ni’lin. ***image2***The crowd of protestors gathered in the center of the village and marched […]

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Two arrested in latest Ni’lin demonstration

Demonstrations continued yesterday in Ni’lin against the construction of the Apartheid Wall. Organizers have decided to target the bulldozers, in an effort both to hurt the construction company financially and to force the workers off the land. At least 300 people attended yesterday’s demonstration, which began at the 3:00 in the afternoon. The march was […]

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Israeli army attacks local solidarity and journalists

Ni’lin village this morning tried for the second day to break the four days siege imposed by the Occupation forces, to enable food and medical supplies to enter. ***image2***Dozens of Palestinians came in solidarity from Bil’in, Deir Qaddis and other areas, joined by international activists. National and international media were present. Just as the crowd […]