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Rafat – Powerful Protest Faces Harsh Repression

Some 150 people from Rafat gathered for a militant protest against the ghettoization of their village. The burst of popular resistance in the area first took the Occupation Forces by surprise, then led them to heavy repression. ***image2***The people from the village gathered around 10:30am at the entrance to Rafat then marched toward the Apartheid […]

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31st Land Day Anniversary – Full Program of Activities

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Palestinian Health Institutions Call for Boycott of Israel Medical Association

***image2***Palestinian medical institutions have issued a call to boycott the Israeli Medical Association (IMA) strengthening the Palestinian calls for boycott, divestment and sanctions to isolate Apartheid Israel. 19 Palestinian health organizations have co-authored an appeal that accuses the IMA of complicity with the occupation and crimes and violations of its own, and international, codes of […]

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New settlement plans to encircle Ramallah ghetto

Many news agencies have written about a new plan which aims to expand the settlement of Kokhav Ya’acov, north-east of Qalandiya refugee camp. According to the plans, the project will add 11 000 housing units. The goal is presumably to connect and expand the three settlements Bet El, Psagot, and Kokhav Ya’acov located east of […]